TCS5317 uses current mode,fixed frequencyarchitecture which can clamp the inductor peak currenteach cycle. The switching frequency is programmableby an external frequency setting resistor. It drives anextemal MOSFET to boost up the output voltage froma 4.5V to 28V input supply. The TCS5317 regulatesthe current in each LED string to the programmedvalue set by an external current setting resistor. TheTCS5317 current matching can achieve 1.5% andregulation accuracy can reach +2%.
A 3uA shutdown current and 0.85V (LED@180mA)feedback voltage and Maximum 65V output allows forup to 18 high-power LEDs in series will greatlyimprove efficiency and reduce power dissipation.
The device supports pulse width modulation (PWM)brightness dimming. During digital PWM dimming.the WLED current is tumed on/off at the duty cycleand frequency determined by the PWM signal on thePWMI pin.
The TCS5317 integrated multiple protect functions,such as LED Open, LED Short, Output Over Voltage.Over thermal, Input Over Current, and Under VoltageLockout(UVLO),these protection will prevent theLCD backlight from damage.
TCS5317 is available in 16pin SOP and TSSOP (EP)packages.
]]>The TCS5202Cinclude under-voltage lockout,current limiting and thermal overload protectionpreventing damage in the event of an outputoverload.
Optimized operation frequency can meet the requirement of small LC filters value and low operation current with high efficiency. Internal soft start function can reduce the inrush current.
SOT23-6packagetypeprovidesthebestsolution for PCB space saving and total BOM cost.
]]>The TCS5201includes under-voltage lockout, limiting and thermal overload protectionpreventing damage in the event of an outputoverload.
Optimized operation frequency can meet the requirement of small LC filters value and low operation current with high efficiency. Internal soft start function can reduce the inrush current. Tiny package type provide the best solution for PCB space saving and total BOM cost.